
Netball Statistics - Made

Boost your netball team's performance with statistics and insights
that deliver winning results. Compare stats for the entire team or
individual players in a few clicks with boost.

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About Us

The Boost Mobile App was created to help coaches, players and team managers to quickly and accurately get the vital statistics of both the team and individuals players.
The game scores give the results, but to really improve you need both intuition and usefull data to show if your effort in training is translating to on-court performance.
Or when you're playing the same team twice, it would be great to check how, say, your mid-court players did last time.
boost provides the right data to support your teams, without having to capture every time the ball passes between hands in a game.


  Score and track games easily

- Capture key stats on one clear screen
- Simple tap on te player then the action they completed
- Easily done by one person, without paper
- Adjust your player and positions between quarters (or mid-quarter)

  Monitor season trends and improvement

- Share stats with coach comments immediately after the game
- Track individual performance for each game and throught season
- Track stats for all your teams across multiple seasons/tournaments

  Create specific training and coaching plans

- Design training sessions using individual and team data
- Share game / season data with one or all players
- Compare individual and team stats between games

  Designed for coachs and managers at all levels

- Create and monitor multiple teams within the same account
- Add player details and games ahead of time, and player positions for each quarter
- Stay up to date with news, tips and insights through the boost blog


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Contact Us



PO Box 17183 karori Wellignon, NZ 6012